In 2017, the French paid on average €6,063 for their car, according to the Automobile Club Association. Expenditure, particularly on maintenance, has increased from 3% to 3.9% depending on the vehicle, since 2016. Among all these costs, changing tyres remains a very expensive operation. However, there are tricks to optimize their lifespan. As a professional, it is important to be able to transmit the right reflexes adopted to save kilometres.

Check your tyres regularly

Check tyre pressure

According to Michelin, it is advisable to check the condition of your tyres once a week. If it is not already a habit, it is, in any case, essential to check the pressure of your tyres once a month. An under-inflated or over-inflated tyre causes faster tread wear. Also check the depth of the grooves: if they are damaged or worn, you should consult a professional.

Have your front axle checked

A well-adjusted front axle ensures even wear of all four tyres. If the alignment of the wheels is not correctly adjusted, then the tyres will wear unevenly and more quickly. In addition, driving will be less pleasant and precise. It is recommended to check the alignment of the front running gear every time a component of the running gear assembly is replaced.

Adopt a reasonable driving style

Lift your foot To limit tire wear, the most important thing to do is to drive economically. Especially when starting off, you must avoid acceleration in the first three gears. In the same way, let the engine brake. Keep a safe distance from the vehicle in front of you to avoid sudden braking that will eat up your tyres.

Avoid winding roads and roads in poor condition

The road surface influences tyre wear. Poor road conditions, dirt roads, dirty pavements are all factors that accelerate tyre damage. Punctures are often caused by debris found on our roads. Turning and manoeuvring in general also damages our tyres. That is why it is advisable to avoid mountain roads in particular. However, motorists who drive on roads with roundabouts will damage them just as much as in the mountains.

Smooth manoeuvring

Which brings us to our last point, be careful with your tires during maneuvers! Turning the steering wheel when stationary alters the wheels, it's not a myth. Prefer to drive at a walking pace when you start parking. What's more, if your vehicle doesn't have power steering, you'll find it easier to maneuver. However, this tip applies to all cars. There is no secret to keeping your tyres as clean as possible: drive quietly. Of course it is important to check and maintain your tyres regularly, but above all to drive sensibly. Thanks to these tips, you will now be able to save your tyres and thus make motorists more aware of the importance of this.